Clever old me predicted the 50’s come-back way before Madmen decided to send the interiors world into a pea green and ochre frenzy, but even I didn’t realize what an impact it was going to have – everyone’s at it
Heal ( have just re-launched their Lucienne Day designs on pretty much everything they can squeeze it on to from china and cushions to condiment sets and canvasses (evidently if it starts with a C then it’s in with more of a chance)
TwentyTwentyOne ( have always specialized in this kind of look, but I’m imagining their order books are swelling right now.
Likewise Original BTC, with their stunning range of lighting.
But is there a connection between National economics and Retro Style?
(That came out a bit Carrie Bradshaw)
Possibly there is.
During these times of empty coffers, the New Retro style is an exercise in restraint and economy of line, and we’re collectively after the same thing: style on a shoe string; it almost sums up the 50’s when our National Economy was stunted as we paid off our astronomical war debt.
Maybe we revert to a more frugal design when there isn’t so much cash.
It’s an interesting thought.
Anyway, whatever the reason, go get some Retro in your life: it’s big, it’s back and it’s here to stay (well, until the economy is sorted out in any case).